
We’re the most forward-thinking, advanced mini golf experience in the world, maybe even the universe! But the truth is, we’ve sat quietly and played fairway for too long… Because when it comes down to it, we’re the best. Technically speaking that is…


Don’t be fooled by the flashy jacket and argyle socks. Behind that pretentious facade is a quirky character with a thirst for the little things in life: eating, sleeping, and breathing mini golf. While he may not be the brains behind Puttshack, Ace has certainly earned the right to be a know-it-all. “Mr. Puttshack” (just humor him…) walks us through what makes our mini golf experience so unique. 

A picture of Ace Puttman sitting on the half-pipe hole at Puttshack

Ace Puttman's Pump Up Jams

He may miss a supertube here and there, but when all is said and done, Ace never loses a game. Perhaps it’s Ace's wealth of Puttshack knowledge that gives him a leg up, or the way he so effortlessly dazzles his competition. If you ask us, we think that soundtrack he plays on loop is his lucky charm... and you bet we’ll be giving it a listen before our next big game.

ace puttman jamming out with headphones